MLC Barry House with Exchange Students and Diplomatic Representatives at Parliament House Reception for Exchange Students

Rotary celebrates its youth exchange program at Parliament House

The Rotary Club of Matilda Bay arranged a very special reception on Friday 28 April 2017 at Parliament House, West Perth.

This is the fourth year the Rotary Youth Exchange Program  has been hosted by the Hon Barry House MLC, President of the Legislative Council, and the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly. This is the last occasion the Hon. Barry House hosted this event as he retires at the end of May.

This special Reception is held for current Rotary Youth Exchange students, their Diplomatic representatives and members of their host Rotary clubs. Rotary Exchange Students travel from all over the state of Western Australia including Kununurra, Esperance and from Albany.

For her extraordinary service to this event, Lorraine Coogan was given a Rotary Paul Harris Fellow during the formalities. Lorraine is pictured with Hon Barry House MLC receiving her Paul Harris Fellow  from PDG Peter McKerracher.

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